Alternate Wikipedia Infoboxes VII (Do Not Post Current Politics or Political Figures Here)

Here's what I think the List of Presidents of the United States would look like if FDR didn't seek a third term.

List of Presidents of the United States (Two Term FDR) part 1.png

List of Presidents of the United States (Two Term FDR) part 2.png

List of Presidents of the United States (Two Term FDR) part 3.png

P.S. Bill Clinton is supposed to be the 40th President, not 41st.
Why would Reagan, Clinton, and Obama break the 2-term norm?
Reagan wanted to run in 1988 IOTL but couldn't because of the 22nd Amendment. Clinton might have ran if he could because of his popularity boost from the Lewinsky scandal and unsuccessful impeachment. Obama said IOTL that he would've ran in 2016 if he could because he would've beaten Trump. Obama seeking a fourth term in 2020 can be explained away as Obama believing that the US needed stable government in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic (kind of like FDR's Don't Switch Horses Midstream in 1940 and 1944 during WWII). Also the mainstream media would of course be making comparisons between Obama and FDR ITTL, and perhaps he'd be pushed further to the left from the leftist flank if he faced a significant primary challenge from Bernie in 2016 and 2020 but probably not anymore than Biden TBH. Also Obama getting 16 years as president would mean the Republicans winning big in the 2018 and 2022 midterm elections. 2020 might be more of a blue ripple like 2022 was IOTL with Democrats gaining a seat or two in the Senate thanks to the rally-around-the-flag effect but obviously Roe v. Wade would still be around because with Obama in office still McConnell would've had to hold hearings on Garland.
Why would Reagan, Clinton, and Obama break the 2-term norm?
I think @Sir William Jol summed it up quite nicely. I don't think Obama would've ran for a fifth term for the same reasons that I think FDR would've sat out 1948 if he were still alive. The crisis that faced his presidency would've been over by that point. For Clinton, I think he would've let Gore run for president on his own in 2004. Hull, Kennedy, and Rockefeller wouldn't have ran for a third term due to old age/health reasons. I don't know about Stassen though.